Everyone should be able to participate fully in worship.
So here are a few helps we provide:
- Large Print Bulletins and screens up front with words for the entire worship service.
- Hearing assist technology. For the hard of hearing, we offer a loop system. Hearing aid wearers with a “T” (telecoil) setting can now hear the service broadcast directly through their hearing aids. Others desiring hearing assistance may check out a portable receiver, please bring personal earbuds, headset or neck loop.
- Anyone with limited mobility: We will deliver communion to you! Our buildings are fully wheelchair accessible. Several marked parking spaces are available for those with handicap permits.
- Do not worry if some motion and volume comes from your children. This is a space of worship of a living God, so life is welcomed! However, if you need something more-
Activity Bags: To help keep young ones occupied at various times, we have small activity bags hanging on a rack in the Narthex/Gathering Area. Ask an usher for assistance.
Cry Room: Through the windows in the rear of the worship space is a room that can be used. It has sound piped in and you can see everything from there.