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I Invite You to Read Matthew 16:13-28. 
The lectionary (the assigned readings) split up the story at the midpoint.  Last week we heard of Peter's Confession of faith and Jesus' announcement of how great was his faith and upon that he would build his church and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.

This week we hear Jesus teaching his disciples what it meant to keep in the faith, what would happen to the one Peter proclaimed as Messiah and Son of the Living God.

Peter goes from the rock upon which the church will be built to being told to "Get behind me Satan."

Wow, massive change in just a few moments!

Then again, that never happens to us at all, does it?

You have never gone from GOAT to scapegoat in a short span (or is it just me)?

From on top of the world to the butt of all of the jokes?

From feeling like you understand and have "gotten it," to realizing that, no, you actually don't "got it"?

So what changed for Peter? Why did the exchange go down the way it did?

Tune in Sunday and hear, and reflect, more on Peter and Jesus and all of us present day disciples and our tentative steps in faith.