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During this time of transition between called Pastors, we have some work to do! Two groups will be needed:  Transition Team and a Call Committee.

Six to seven volunteers are needed to serve on a Transition Team which will develop the Ministry Site
Profile (MSP) for BSLC.  A ministry Site Profile  provides congregations and church-related organizations a single, common form to use to describe their mission and their search for a rostered minister. The church council will appoint the members of this team. Their function will be to survey the congregation based on the requirements of the MSP, compile the data received, complete the form and present it to the church council for approval and submission to the synod. They will work closely with Pastor Tony and the council during this process. After the MSP has been accepted by the synod, this team’s work will be completed. This team should be selected and ready to start meeting in late December.

The Call Committee is elected by the congregation and per our constitution, will consist of six members
elected out of a group of up to ten members recommended by the church council. The call committee
will be responsible for receiving the names of candidates and their profiles for the pastoral opening,
interviewing candidates, and providing recommendations to the council and congregation for the called
pastor. The call committee will work with a transition coach provided by the synod during this process.
We already have a transition coach assigned to the BSLC. The goal is to elect the call committee at the
annual meeting.

If you are interested being on either of these committees, please contact any council member or the
church office to submit your names.