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The temperature has dropped. The color of the license plates has changed. It must be the start of a new season!

It is the season of looking back as the year nears its end, and looking ahead to the next one.

So, how did the year go? How are you feeling about next year?

Isaiah cries out to God in confession and a desire for God to "tear open the heavens and come down."  Mark has Jesus speaking of the Son of Man "coming in clouds' of great power and glory."

Do you need confession so you can let go of the things of this past year? Do you need Jesus to come? I think all of us need both.

And in faith, the fact that Jesus is coming should provide great hope for the future.

What!? For we know the ending- God wins. Justice, love, and peace win!

Our confession should be about the ways we have forgotten that, and how we have not been a part of living that kingdom now. Our hope is based on the fact that God is gracious and merciful and comes to fulfill all things.

May this Advent season be a time to wake up to God's call to love and serve now as he stirs up his power and comes- in surprising ways!

This week's readings: First Reading  ~ Isaiah 64: 1-9; Psalm ~ 80: 1-7. 17-19;

Second Reading ~ 1 Corinthians 1: 3-9; Gospel ~ Mark 13: 24-37