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Stewardship Quote: 

2 Corinthians 9:7   “and God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that you may always have enough of everything and provide in abundance for every good work.”

Last Sunday, we invited the congregation to join our Forward to 50 appeal.  As a start, it is to replace the replace the 43-year-old roof on the south academy building which was damaged and repair the damage done to the Werner Hall roof.  We need to ensure that we maintain our facilities so that we can fulfill the mission of our church to serve our congregation and accomplish all the good things that we do for the community that we live in through our community relations groups and our academy.  The funds raised through this appeal are to be in addition to our normal commitments for the annual mission plan for our ministry.  This appeal is scheduled to end on the 15th of September.

The need comes from the fact that the cost to do what is needed far outstrips what insurance is going to pay, and we need to do this right. Our immediate goal for this is $10,000 so we can start work immediately.  Thank you for your generosity.