I’m very excited for this weekend when we are coming together as ONE church body in worship. We are the one body of Christ and it will be great to see how well we function as one. It is important you know that it was requested by YOU… the congregation to go to one service. This took place at the last annual meeting where it was almost unanimous in the discussion this was something you feel is important. At the same time though we are not going to hid the fact that Beautiful Savior is struggling in other ways. The good news is that our worship attendance has not drastically changed over the years, but each worship service definitely could hold more
people in the pews. This is necessary to help build unity around the present situation and future strategy for growth.
There is no definitive answer as to when a congregation should consider moving to one service, but when the worship space is down to one-quarter to one-third full in each service, it may be time for this discussion. Here we are…
Now, as far as the type of worship service we will have we are in a good place to make this change because over the years, as far as the worship experience is, the church grew and moved, and grew again, till it had to offer almost two identical Sunday morning worship services. The old argument over traditional verses contemporary is no longer an issue because everybody is more flexible in it’s preferences of worship style. This new service will bring hope and excitement, and that’s a key ingredient in making a change like this and moving beyond it and back into a season of health and growth. Simply stated, there is a much greater appreciation for different forms of church music than in the past. It will also be easier to find the volunteers we need to make worship happen each week. We are always needing people to help create the worship service and serve during the service. We also need those to work behind the scenes to perform such tasks as to count the offerings and clean up the book areas in each pew. Let me know if you want to help in any way!
I pray we can get beyond any conflict that someone might be sitting in your customary seat or pew. I encourage you to politely offer you seat to another knowing we are all one big family and need to be flexible during transition. Let’s celebrate this special moment in history and share the peace of the Lord with your new neighbors!