From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. (Ephesians 4:16)
Ephesians 4:6 is a verse from the Bible that affirms the unity and diversity of the Christian faith. It states that there is one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in all. This verse is part of a larger passage that urges the believers to live in harmony and peace with each other, and to use their gifts for the common good.
As a church congregation we need to trust our elected leaders no matter what role they play. We all work together in harmony for the common good. This also includes the most recent team of elected leaders called the Transition team. The Council carefully chose individuals from this church family that might be able to serve in a small capacity for the next several months to survey the congregation based on the requirements of the Ministry Site Profile (MSP) they will be completing, compiling the data received, complete the MSP form and present it to the church council for approval and submission to the synod. This profile is intended for use by congregations that are seeking to call an ordained minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The MSP is designed to stimulate a reflection, to be a summary of the characteristics and ministry of the congregation, and to serve as the first impression that you wish to give to prospective candidates.
On top of this role we will evaluate our current ministry plan and try to suggest ways in which we can present our congregation in its best possible light to new candidate later on ion the next year or so.
Now that this team has been chosen, we will are scheduled to begin meeting on Thursday, January 9th with our Synodical Transition Coach to begin the process. We will nominate a chair person for this team and then begin our tasks. Please pray for this team as we have a lot of discussion to have in the months to come. Pray for me as your Interim Pastor to lead this team in these discussions and to complete a successful MSP.
These are the members of our team: Pete Pederson, Mark Mittelstadt, Randy Karrer, Garrett Bryant, Laurie Karlen-Smith, Terri Lappin, Steve Claasen, Jodi Layton and Erica Clark.
With the help of God, may we serve you with our diversity and lead you in peace and harmony. AMEN