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The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away. Except in this case the Lord gave back. 


He blessed Beautiful Savior with a wonderful nine-foot cross made from branches of a mesquite tree lost to high winds last summer. Horrific winds toppled trees and blew down large branches across the Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church and Academy campus last July. Buildings were not hit, fortunately, but roof damage to Werner Hall and the Academy required repair.

As the Property Committee began cutting the debris, two large branches caught the attention of volunteer Frank Saenz. "Frank looked at those two pieces laying on the ground, sort of crossing each other," recalled Property Committee Chairman Don Swanson. "He saw it and said 'I've got to do that into a cross.'"

A craftsman of many skills, Frank took the branches home, stripped the bark, sealed them with polyurethane and pinned one member to the other. On Friday members of a men's Bible study installed the cross on a wall outside the sewing room in Werner Hall. 

It is a reminder that even in times of difficulty, the Lord will give us the creativity and strength to find blessings amid strife and to move forward in his name.

We were also gifted the beauty of new banners made by Lynn Boe. They are along the back wall of the fellowship hall. 


Frank Saenz with the cross he fashioned out of two large branches from a mesquite tree lost during high winds at Beautiful Savior last July.

Men's Bible Study group members who installed the cross in Werner Hall: (from left) Kevin Brown, Don Swanson, (kneeling) Mike Stein, Tim Bauer, Tim Murphy, Dennis Eskridge.

Banners by Lynn Boe