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It was gratifying to see the number of people who stayed after church and engaged in serious conversation about Beautiful Savior and what they'd like in a next pastor. Several people said they felt Sunday's roundtables went better than the initial ones in February. The Transition Team is compiling comments received as well as results of the two-page survey distributed during Sunday's service. 

Your input is essential as the team analyzes where Beautiful Savior is and its desires and needs for the future. A transition report will be compiled soon and shared with the congregation, the Council, the Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA and the bishop.

If you were out of town or weren't able to attend, or had other thoughts afterwards, please feel free to share them with any member of the Transition Team: Mark Mittelstadt, Pete Pederson, Laurie Karlen-Smith, Randy Karrer, Garrett Bryant, Terri Lappin, Steve Claasen, Jodi Layton, Erica Clark.


These were the questions posed Sunday:

- What do you think is the mission or the role of our church? In other words, why do we exist?

- Do you feel connected with/supported by local church leaders?

- What do you feel should be the role of the pastor in the congregation?

- Do you think the way our church spends money aligns with the mission?

- Do you feel the church is sensitive to the needs of its members?

- How satisfied are you as a member of Beautiful Savior?

- Do you feel like you're in the know about what's happening at the church?