Beginning in January, the BSLC Health & Wellness Council will be hosting a 3 part Women's Health Series.
Women's health issues are frequently ignored and not discussed either in the healthcare literature or in an open forum.This is a subject that has been highly suggested by several women in our congregation ~ but guys, just because it's a women's health issue doesn't mean you can't attend. You guys all have women in your lives who you love and care about.
These presentations will be held at 3 pm on Sundays in Werner Hall. We encourage you to invite your friends and family to attend as well.
The first presentation will be held on January 19, 2025. Dr Alicia Miller will give a 45 minute generic talk with 15+ minutes for questions/discussions about women's health issues as an overview for future talks.
The second presentation will be on Women's Heart health with a February date TBD by a presenter from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.
The March talk will be on Women's bone disease. Date and Presenter to be announced at a later date.
If you have any other topic ideas please let one of the H&W Council members know! They are listed below.
Rhonda Anderson
Nancy Darmitzel
Barb Hasbargen
Jim Hasbsargen
Craig Johnson
Judy Kubitscha
Robin Middleton-Port
Mark Mittelstadt
Joan Swanson