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Jesus is busy, surrounded by a crowd, working his way to Jerusalem.

People around Jesus know he is busy, and important, and so when a blind beggar cries out to Jesus they try to shush him. Undeterred, this beggar shouts even louder, determined to be heard.

Jesus hears him and tells those around him to call him to come to Jesus.  He doesn't go to the man, he tells those who were trying to shush the man to instead invite him to Jesus.

Why?  Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem, where as he had told his disciples three times now, will be where is arrested and killed (and three days later rise again).

Jesus is once more trying to teach his disciples how to respond to the world- not by shutting it out or ignoring it, but by calling it closer. Bringing it into the center of concern, and not marginalizing it.

To pay attention to the margins, the outsiders, the excluded, and to call them in. To be attentive to the cries for mercy.

So who do you need to listen to?

Who are you trying to shush?

Who are at the margins and excluded that Jesus is calling you to bring near?

How are you responding to their cries and Jesus' call?