"You can't do that!" The disciple, John, said that to other people who were not with them, who were doing deeds of power in Jesus' name. Why?
Jesus was told the same basic thing repeatedly by the Pharisees: when he healed the paralyzed man on a mat by forgiving sins, healed the man and took grain from the fields on the sabbath, and ate with sinners. (And many other times than these!) Why?
There are rules and boundaries for reasons, to be sure, but how often do we consider why they exist? Are they to make life easier and safer for all of us? Do they exist simply to make life easier and better for some?
Sometimes rules exist simply to maintain what was "normal" or the status quo, and are part of the "We have always/never done it that way before." Again, are they for all, or for some? What happens when a rule or boundary gets pushed?
Do we seek to discern if it is an opportunity for the kingdom to be added to, or do we see it as a threat to our comfort and expectations? (Jesus told us to repent and see that the Kingdom of God was near.)
When we see rules and boundaries that exclude and deny others, do we advocate and push to reach them?
Or do we hide behind our walls and keep on keeping on?
Read Mark 9: 38-50. What challenge do you hear? How might you help open and share the kingdom of God with others while receiving them as they are? Who might you need to advocate for to include?