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Jesus: "Who do people say that I am?"

His disciples: "Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, and others, one of the prophets."

Jesus: "So the beheaded guy, the hunted one who had to run and hide, and the others who were threatened, jailed, or stoned to death?"

His disciples: "ummmmmmmm"

Jesus: "Ok, so who do YOU say that I am?"

Peter: "You are messiah."

Jesus: "Now, so you know, being 'messiah' isn't safer. I will be rejected, suffer greatly, and be crucified."

Disciples: "ummmm"

Peter: "Nope. Not going to happen!"

Jesus: "Get behind me, Satan. For you are set on human things and not divine things!"

Jesus: (to the crowd) "In fact, you all must learn to deny yourself and take up your cross and follow me."

Crowd: "..............insert your reaction here, as he is speaking to you too................"

Yes, I have added to the text. The history of prophets was not glorious. Look at Matthew 23:37 to hear Jesus' lament about that. The crufixion was definitely not glorious!

So how do you respond? What is your mind and heart set on?  Human things- self, comfort, power, safety,....?

Divine things- neighbor, love, reconciliation, service, ....?

What do you serve? Who do you serve? Who will you follow?