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Jesus finished  his "Farewell Discourse" (John 13-17) with a prayer for unity.

What started with foot washing and the institution of the Lord's Supper, ends with this prayer.

I would encourage you to read those four chapters and see all that Jesus proclaims in the midst.

He gives us the command to love one another, and tells us that is how people will know we follow him, if we have love for one another.

He reminds us that he will be leaving, but not leaving us abandoned. The Holy Spirit will come and will be with us, teaching us even more.

He calls himself the vine and we are the branches and calls us to bear fruit, fruit that will last. 

That we are to abide in him as he abided in God, and that abiding in that love will produce fruit.

This prayer for us to be one, just like he and God are one, is just a repetition of theme.

A teacher and Lord, acting as a servant, giving of oneself in love, so that those that receive may give in love.

A vine with its branches bearing fruit, just as it should be.

Abiding in God's love, so that you may abide in love with one another.

Then a prayer, reminding us to do so. To connect, to unify, in love, for the purpose of proclaiming that love to the world.  So may we abide in Jesus, abide in God, so we may love and serve in unity, so that all may see us as followers of Jesus Christ.


(Image: Maesta by Duccio, 1308–1311)