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BSLC, along with two other churches, is scheduled to host the Cafe on Thursday, May 16th. Our church is responsible for collecting the following items: 

10 gift cards to Target, Walmart or Fry's ($15.00 each)

$400.00 in cash to help offset lunch costs

120  small bottle of bleach or household cleaners

120 tubes toothpaste

120 toothbrushes

All donations go in the TIHAN bin in Narthex. Cash goes in Janice Molina's jar. 

We also need 2-3 volunteers to help set up on Wednesday May 15th from  9-11 a.m. 

Contact Janice with questions or to sign up: 520-989-0463 or

Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network (TIHAN) is a local non-profit that brings together various organizations in the community to support people living with HIV/AIDS. POZ Cafe is the monthly event that brings people together in food and fellowship.