Each Week During the Lenten season on our Wednesday night services we will Face the Cross. When the days drew near for Jesus to leave this earth, he "set His face" to Jerusalem to encounter the pain of the cross on our behalf (Luke 9:51).
In the same way in the Lenten Series, we will set our faces on the cross of Christ that lies before us. As we face the cross during these Lenten days, we also face certain aspects of our lives which are not always in line with the cross. We come to terms with them in this series through the cross of Christ ~ who came to save us that we might see Him face-to-face in heaven.
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March 5th ~ Ash Wednesday: Facing Our Sin. We come to terms with our sinfulness and rejoice in Christ's forgiveness.
March 12th ~ Week Two: Facing Temptation. We acknowledge that we give into temptation at times, but rest on the powers of Christ to resist evil.
March 19th ~ Week Three: Facing Our Fears. Recognizing what strikes fear in our hearts helps us to grab on more tightly to Christ.
March 26th ~ Week Four: Facing Our Worldliness. Accepting we are often all too dependent on worldly goods opens the door to seeing the value of everlasting blessings.
April 2nd ~ Week Five: Facing One Another. Confessing that we have not always treated each other in a Christlike manner helps us to build better relationships.
April 9th ~ Week Six: Facing Our Suffering. Enduring suffering in this world connects us to Christ and point us to the joy to come.