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This day is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America — one church,  called to serve and love our neighbor.

Showcasing our many ministries  offers an opportunity for us to explore how we can  love and serve our Lord and those around us.  We invite you to come to Werner Hall between services on Sunday, September 8th and interact with the ministry leaders that will be ready to answer questions,  tell you about the ministries they are involved in and how you can also get involved. It will be set up like a vendor fair, and we will have coffee and treats as we always do during fellowship.  

Manna Bags

During this event, we will also have the tables set up to assemble Manna Bags, as Love In Action activity, using our hands to do God's Work!  As always, donations are needed and appreciated! We are in need of the following items, which you can place on the table in the Narthex:

Protein sources (Tuna and chicken pouches, tinned meat such as vienns sausages, beef jerky, peanut butter pouches)

Fruit cups, dried fruit, applesauce cups

Individual sized crackers, cookies, nuts, fruit snacks