How well do you hear God?
Are there places or situations that make it easier?
In the First Lesson (1 Kings 19: 9-18) and the Gospel (Matthew 14: 22-33),
we "hear" from God in a variety of ways and places.
In 1 Kings, Elijah is on a mountaintop while fleeing for his life.
God wasn't in the earthquake, or the mighty wind, or in the big fire.
God was in the sound of sheer silence.
The earthquake, the wind, and the fire can all get our attention.
In our lives, what major things get our attention, and hold it away from God?
Especially when what we need most is silence and peace?
Yet the loud, shiny, and big distract and garner our focus still?
Peter and the disciples have an experience of Jesus that scared them.
Out in their boat, in the storm, they didn't/couldn't recognize Jesus as the one walking on the water. Peter would eventually step out and walk on the water for a bit before his fears overwhelmed him and he was dragged down.
In contemplation, I will invite you to read two other passages.
Philippians 4: 4-13; 1 John 4
May peace that surpasses all understanding, and perfect love, keep your hearts and minds on the one who brings them both, Jesus Christ.