Last Sunday's football game was an exciting one, and there were the usual Superbowl commercials.
One that got a lot of attention was "Jesus Gets Us."
The scenes of footwashing were especially powerful as they call to mind the example of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples as a sign of what it means to follow him. The scenes chosen evoked a reminder of love and care across even some very difficult "divides."
The lessons for this First Sunday in Lent call upon us to realize that the temptations to power, control, ease, and comfort were even thrown at Jesus. The struggle to understand and bridge across the "divides" take a lot of work, and prayer. Even when we do not know the way, we can still cry out to Jesus, "I believe- help my unbelief!"
The thing is, we can do that not because "Jesus gets us."
We can do it because "Jesus got us!"
He came to us. He did what was needed. He shows the way, truth and life. More importantly he IS the way, truth and life. He GOT us.
In this time of letting go in Lent (and afterwards!)- one of the things we can let go of are the divides that we make between the various people Jesus got?
Let go of the temptation to divide, and instead show love and care as Jesus did when he gave up heaven to get us.