Join us on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Central time, for a free, online event to observe the 2025 National Day of Racial Healing (NDORH). Presented by the ELCA in partnership with Augsburg Fortress Publishers, this educational event will feature worship, workshops, music and guided reflection while centering the voices of ELCA leaders of color.
Our exceptional lineup of workshops and speakers was designed to raise awareness of the need for racial healing and to inspire collective action toward building common ground for a more just and equitable world.
The event is open to all ELCA rostered ministers, lay leaders and members. We welcome all ELCA synods, congregations, colleges, universities, seminaries, separately incorporated ministries and anti-racism teams, as well as the church’s affiliate organizations and ecumenical and interreligious partners.
Hosted by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and following just after Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the NDORH was created with and builds on the work of Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation, described as “a comprehensive, multiyear national and community-based process to bring about transformational and sustainable change.”
We look forward to your joining us on Jan. 21. Learn more at and register today!