Welcome to Beautiful Savior

In the faith of Christ, we seek to invite all to live in GRACE.
     Generosity- blessing as we have been blessed. 
     Reaching Out- caring within community.
     Advocacy- doing God’s work with our voice.     
     Compassion- loving as Jesus loved.
     Encouragement- supporting one another.

Ways to Participate in Worship

Sundays at 9am

First Wednesday each month at 6:15 p.m.
Every Wednesday during Lent. 

Love In Action
We believe in G.R.A.C.E. - Generosity, Reaching out, Advocacy, Compassion, and Encouragement. Through volunteering, we grow closer to our church family and our community and become more like Jesus as we use our God-given gifts to bless others.
Ways to help
Beautiful Savior Academy
Our Academy enrolls children ages 3-5 years old and toilet trained. We have 2 day, 3 day, and 5 days preschool programs with morning & afternoon extended day options, as well as a full day Kindergarten.

Our Academy is a place where preschool and kindergarten kids can have fun, learn to share, make choices, explore, and feel safe. It is an environment where children are taught to accept others’ differences and to understand their own individuality. We know each child is unique with individual needs, interests and abilities. Our program offers a variety of activities, gently encouraging each child to make choices according to their interests. We work with children to help them learn to interact with others so they can build trust and confidence.  To learn more visit the Academy website www.beautifulsavioracademy.org

More info about our Academy


Hear or watch the latest messages.

Sermon's, Special Music, and full Worship services can be found on YouTube @BSLCTucson.